As part of Handmade Holiday Challenge, we have a guest blogger on Side Lake Stitch to share a wonderful holiday sewing project. Constanze of Tree Textiles shares how to make a Hanukkah Hold-All-Dash-Dreidelboard. Enjoy!

You know what I love about Hanukkah? Eight nights of family, friends and fried food! You know what I dread about Hannukah? Eight nights of kids being bored at temples and various living rooms, while grownups are trying to catch up. Well, enter this quick Hanukkah make (if you start now, you can whip up a couple as presents too!) that doubles as a catch-all for gelt and goodies, and a portable gameboard so you don’t have to crawl under any more couches to retrieve ambitiously spun dreidels.

2 Fat Quarters or equivalent yardage
Batting strip of roughly 12″ x 30″
Cork coaster (available for example at Ikea)
Cut each FQ along the long side into:
2 strips of 6″ x 22″
2 strips of 3″ x 22″

Measure the circumference of your cork coaster. Use a flexible tape measure to measure the distance around the outer edge. This is the length of your 6″ and 3″ strips. If needed, piece the same color 6″ strips and 3″ strips short side together, then trim to match the circumference + 1″.

Layer 6″ strips and batting for a quilt sandwich, baste and quilt.

Take the 3″ strip. Hem one long edge. Lay on top of the “outer” side of the quilt sandwich. Measure the half and quarter points, then stitch vertical lines along through all layers (3″ strip with raw edge matching 6″ sandwich).

Trace the bottom fabric along the coaster and add 1″. Cut.

Sew the fabric circle to the 6″ sandwich, with raw edges matching up.

Close the vertical seam by sewing the edge of the 6″ quilt sandwich together.
Fold and sew the remaining 3″ binding strip (or trim to 2.5″) along raw edges. Turn inside out and finish binding.

Fill with gelt, use the cork board to play, and don’t forget: there’s no such thing as too many latkes!